New international students at Gdańsk Tech | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-03-03

New international students at Gdańsk Tech

Welcome Meeting
Over 100 international students from 21 countries started their studies at Gdańsk University of Technology in the summer semester of 2022/2023. Everyone had the opportunity to attend the Welcome Meeting - an information meeting organized by the International Relations Office.

As a result of this year's admission, more than 100 international students from 21 countries were admitted to studies conducted in English or Polish, including, among others, students from France, but also Turkey, Mexico and Palestine.

The results of admission

In February, 26 international students started their full-cycle studies, including students from Belarus (10), Ukraine (3), Indonesia (2), Russia (2), Turkey (2), Azerbaijan (1), Egypt (1), Jordan (1), Lithuania (1), Mexico (1), Palestine (1) and Tanzania (1). New students appeared at most Gdańsk Tech faculties, including Faculties of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics - 8 people, Architecture - 6 people, Mechanical and Ship Engineering - 5 people, Civil and Environmental Engineering - 3 people, Electrical and Control Engineering - 2 people and one student each at the Faculty of Chemistry and the Faculty of Management and Economics.

Moreover,  over 80 new students started their studies in the summer semester under the Erasmus+ program. The largest groups of students came from Turkey (28) and France (27). Several students also came to Gdańsk from Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, the Czech Republic, Estonia and Ukraine. All faculties welcomed new students, but the most popular faculties among international students were Faculties of Architecture - 22 people, Electronics, Telecommunications and Computer Science - 18 people, Management and Economics - 15 people and Mechanical Engineering and Shipbuilding - 13 people.

The Welcome Meeting

In order to help the newly admitted students in their first days at Gdańsk Tech, the International Relations Office organized an information meeting for them on Tuesday, February 21 in the conference room in the Hydromechanics building.

On behalf of the university authorities, the students were welcomed by Prof. Dariusz Mikielewicz, the Vice-Rector for Organization and Development Division. On behalf of the International Relations Office, the meeting was attended by: Monika Czerepak, Deputy Head of the International Relations Office, Maria Doerffer, University Coordinator of the Erasmus+ program, as well as Katarzyna Bauer-Mikołajczyk and Atoosa Bahrani from the Welcome Office. The meeting was also attended by a representative of the Gdańsk Tech Security Office and students from the Erasmus Student Network Gdańsk.

During the event, the newly admitted students learned what issues they should take care of at the beginning of the academic year, in which units they can arrange various matters related to studies or accommodation, and what support they can count on at the Welcome Office. The International Relations Office also invited the students to participate in the "Hey, are you OK?" project, aimed at supporting the emotional health of Gdańsk Tech students and employees.

As every year, the Welcome Meeting was once again attended by a representative of the City Police Station in Gdańsk, Rafał Wróbel, who discussed security issues.

We encourage you to watch the photo report from the Welcome Meeting (photos: Urszula Szymajda-Grzegory).