Over PLN 800,000 for a cooperation project with Ukraine | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-01-16

Over PLN 800,000 for a cooperation project with Ukraine

cooperation with Ukraine
Gdańsk Tech has received over PLN 800,000 in funding from Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) for the implementation of a project aimed at supporting partner universities in Ukraine. The tasks will be coordinated by the International Relations Office.

At the end of last year, Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange decided to allocate additional funds to Polish universities to strengthen collaboration with Ukrainian universities. Universities that are members of the European Universities Initiative, including Gdańsk Tech as a member of the ENHANCE Alliance, were eligible to apply for project funding.

- The fact that, as a member of the ENHANCE Alliance, we could submit an application to NAWA for additional funding within the alliance, demonstrates the significant benefits associated with our presence in the European Universities Initiative - says Anna Modrzejewska, Head of the International Relations Office.

The beneficiaries of the project will be academic teachers, support staff, early-career researchers, and students from National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” and Lviv Polytechnic National University – partner institutions of the ENHANCE Alliance.

Project Activities

As part of the project, scheduled to run from January to December of this year, the following activities are planned:

  • scholarships for Ukrainian students to study a semester at Gdańsk Tech,
  • on-site and online English language courses for future engineers,
  • a hybrid summer school enhancing engineering competencies for students,
  • participation of staff and students in Open Days and Sustainable Development Week,
  • participation of staff in conferences organized by the Center for Innovative Education ("Gamification in Education" and "e-Technologies in Engineering Education") and the International Relations Office ("Conference dedicated to international marketing of higher education"),
  • participation in a staff week organized by the International Relations Office dedicated to sustainable development,
  • study visits by early-career Ukrainian researchers and networking with researchers from Gdańsk Tech,
  • development of modern educational materials and training for academic teachers.

Invitation to Collaboration

The International Relations Office invites faculties and units of Gdańsk Tech, including the Language Center, the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics, the Faculty of Management and Economics, the Center for Innovative Education, and others interested in cooperation with universities in Ukraine to participate in the project.

Monika Czerepak, Deputy Head of the International Relations Office- We have an intense and year ahead of us with a demanding project to implement. Therefore, we invite everyone who would like to join our activities, especially those who can use their contacts at universities in Ukraine.

- This will be the second project implemented by the International Relations Office aimed at supporting our colleagues from universities in Ukraine. In 2022, as part of 'Solidarity with Ukraine' project, we organized an adaptation course for students, helping them acquire language skills and level up the curricular differences in mathematics and physics. We hope that this project will also contribute to strengthening cooperation between Gdańsk Tech and National Technical University of Ukraine and Lviv Polytechnic National University. It is important that we continuously show our support and solidarity with our colleagues from Ukraine - adds Anna Modrzejewska.

For more information about the project, contact Anna Modrzejewska, International Relations Office: anna.modrzejewska@pg.edu.pl.