Open Educational Resources can be downloaded from dedicated repositories or websites. All links offer resources for free, but some options may be available for a fee or require you to create a user account. They can be divided into categories:

  • OASIS - online search engine for open educational resources from 115 institutions around the world.
  • OER Commons - is a repository of educational materials and at the same time a platform enabling cooperation in creating new sources.
  • OERSI - search engine for free educational materials created by distributed higher education institutions, such as universities, libraries, and state institutions.
  • MERLOT - is a kind of repository of open educational resources, where you can find various forms of OER, from textbooks and online courses to animations.
  • Can we image - image search engine from Wikimedia Commons.
  • Flickr - a free tool for acquiring and storing photos and videos.
  • Morguefile - website with free photos, founded in 1996.
  • Pexels - free stock photo and video library.
  • Pickup Image - the world's largest photo website complete with free photo editor.
  • Pixabay - over 2.1 million photos and videos shared by the community around the world.
  • Pixlr - photo editor and template creator available in free or paid version.
  • Pixnio - free images for everyone for any use.
  • Public Domain Pictures - a website containing photos made available under public domain principles.
  • Unsplash - a photo library that can be used for any purpose, e.g. for websites.
  • Directory of Open Access Books - the world's largest search engine for open access e-books with more than 82 thousands peer-reviewed books.
  • IntechOpen - publisher of academic textbooks available in the Open Access model.
  • Open Book Collective - is a British non-profit organization bringing together publishers, libraries, researchers and service providers. It allows users to search for books published in open access and then go to the website of a given publisher, while libraries can select specific collections which, after paying for a subscription, will be available for free to their readers.
  • OpenEdition - French platform providing books and scientific journals in the field of humanities and social sciences, published in various languages.
  • Open Textbook Library - provides over 1.5 thousand free books and academic textbooks for students and teachers.
  • AGH Open Textbooks - open, free academic e-textbooks, adapted to the Polish education system.
  • OpenStax - academic textbooks created by scientists from around the world. Selected titles are available in Polish.
  • Rebus Community Press - a platform providing access to books and textbooks mainly in the field of humanities and economics, available under the CC BY 4.0 licence.
  • Toronto Metropolitan University Pressbooks - a platform containing textbooks in several fields published by Toronto Metropolitan University.
  • TU Delft Open Textbooks - a library of open textbooks of the Delft University of Technology. At the same time, it allows you to publish your own book in the Open Access model.
  • Wolne Lektury - a platform providing digital school readings and audiobooks.
  • CC Mixter - it contains free sounds and songs along with a tool for mixing them.
  • Free music archive - a website providing free music and sounds that can be reused.
  • Jamendo Music - the platform allows you to download music for private or commercial use.
  • Librivox - a website providing audiobooks of works in the public domain. The recordings are prepared in many languages.
  • Musopen - this service provides recordings, sheet music and educational materials for students and teachers.
  • Open Music Archive - an archive of music recordings from the beginning of the 19th century to the present, made available under public domain principles.
  • Vimeo - this platform allows you to create and publish high-quality films and sound recordings.
  • Avataaars generator - a tool for creating avatars for use on discussion forums or social media, designed by Pablo Stanley.
  • Canva - is a software for creating infographics, presentations and short videos.
  • dariahTeach Project - website with educational materials for representatives of the humanities and arts.
  • Easelly - software for creating infographics, posters and reports.
  • Icograms Designer - allows you to create three-dimensional iconographies.
  • Internet Archive - a digital library of websites and other cultural objects in digital form. The services provided by the Internet Archive include websites with books, music, photos and videos.
  • OER World Map - the platform registers OER created by institutions around the world.
  • Open Culture - a website presenting the latest and most interesting educational materials available on the Internet.
  • Otwarte Zasoby - a portal where you can find information about OER along with tools enabling their creation.
  • Phet Colorado - website with interactive educational simulations in the Java environment.
  • Public Domain Review - a blog presenting interesting and fascinating works in the field of science, art history and literature that are part of the public domain.
  • Ted Talks - the platform provides open educational lectures that are intended to present new concepts and interesting insights.
  • Thingiverse - the website provides ready-made models of various objects adapted for 3D printing.
  • Wikipedia - the largest open-access encyclopedia in the world, created by volunteers around the world.