Join our workshops and expert panels „IP protection in digital world!” - JWP Patent & Trademark Attorneys invites! | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-11-19

Join our workshops and expert panels „IP protection in digital world!” - JWP Patent & Trademark Attorneys invites!

The photo on the white background has information about the workshop.

During #IGF2021 JWP Patent & Trademark Attorneys have prepared some meetings on intellectual property protection that will be part of the event.
On 7 and 8 December 2021, you will have a chance to meet patent attorneys and legal advisors who regularly deal with the protection of intellectual property rights within the field of digital technologies and the Internet. At workshops and expert panels you will benefit from the experience of the representatives of Amazon and Allegro platforms, entrepreneurs and inventors, as well as the world of science!
We will discuss whether or not it is possible to protect software and computer-aided inventions.
Two days, two debates and two workshops. All this coming soon!
Choose how you wish to participate and be with us in Katowice or online.
Participation in the event is free, the programme and registration at
Come and join us there!

#jwp_ip #IGF2021 #ecommerce #digital_technologies #ecommerce #IPprotection