• 2021-12-09

    Remote classes at Gdańsk University of Technology in the days 3-7 January 2022.

    On 3-7 January 2022, all classes for students at Gdańsk University of Technology will be held remotely. By the decision of the authorities of all Gdańsk Tech faculties and in agreement with the university authorities, classes in the first week of the New Year, i.e. in the days 3-7 January, will be conducted remotely. The change is introduced temporarily, due to the increasing number of...

  • 2021-08-18

    Organization of education at Gdańsk Tech in the academic year 2021/2022

    The 2021/2022 academic year at Gdańsk University of Technology will start on October 1. Intending to gradually restore the normal functioning of the university and taking into account the current epidemic situation in the country, the authorities of Gdańsk University of Technology decided that the classes at the university would be carried out in a hybrid mode: stationary and remote, with a...

  • 2021-07-12

    The September re-take exam session at Gdańsk Tech will be carried out remotely

    The re-sit session in the summer semester of the 2020/21 academic year at Gdańsk University of Technology will be held on the same terms as the basic session - i.e. in the remote formula. The authorities of Gdańsk University of Technology, after looking into the Gdańsk Tech Student Government's application, decided that the rules for the basic session would be maintained during the...

  • 2021-01-15

    Regulations for the winter examination session and organization of classes

    The winter examination session at Gdańsk University of Technology will be held remotely, but exceptions to this rule will be possible. Classes in the summer semester will also be held in the current remote form, unless new guidelines are issued in this regard by the Ministry of Science and Education.   In the summer semester, classes at Gdańsk University of Technology and Doctoral...

  • 2020-10-16

    Gdańsk in the red zone. The functioning of the university and safety rules

    From Saturday, 17 October Gdańsk will be on the list of cities and counties in the so-called ‘red zone’, with additional restrictions related to counteracting the spread of the coronavirus. Therefore, the authorities of Gdańsk University of Technology issued a Decree that contains a comprehensive list of rules of conduct in the event of suspected infection and of remaining on the GUT...

  • 2020-10-09

    Yellow zone until 16th October only

    Gdańsk is in the so-called yellow zone with additional restrictions related to counteracting the spread of the coronavirus until 16th October. The university authorities appeal to the GUT academic community to pay special attention to the applicable sanitary guidelines and the rules of the university functioning during the pandemic. New information about conducting rules today in the...

  • 2020-09-10

    Stationary and remote. Organization of classes at GUT in the 2020/2021 academic year according to a hybrid model

    The 2020/2021 academic year will traditionally start at Gdańsk University of Technology on 1 October. However, it will be different than usually: full-time classes at the university will be held only for first-year and graduate (diploma) students, but even in their case, lectures will most often be held remotely. The remaining years/semesters will start the year with learning entirely online. ...