Gdańsk University of Technology offers the possibility of obtaining a PhD degree in the following units:
Doctoral School at Gdańsk University of Technology is a school with a general academic / scientific profile, conducted jointly with the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdańsk and Institute of Hydro-Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdańsk. Teaching language at this school is entirely English. In order to apply, you need to have the consent of your prospective supervisor to take on the supervising role and B2 level of English language. Before applying, read the information on the webpage devoted to the SzD doctoral school
The Industrial Doctoral School
The Industrial Doctoral School (SDW) is a school with a practical profile, offering doctoral training in cooperation with the entrepreneurs or other entities employing PhD candidates, with the aim of implementing the results of the doctoral student's scientific activity in these entities. The training at SDW takes place entirely in the Polish language and is linked to participation in the Polish Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN) programme 'Implementation Doctorate'. In order to apply, you must be (or become until September 30) an employed person (full-time employment only) and receive the consent of your (future) employer to take part in the programme, as well as the consent of their employee willing to take up the role of your advisor. Additionally, you need to receive the consent of a prospective PhD supervisor to take on the supervising role over your PhD training in SDW and carry out your idea for the implementation of the application project at the a/m employer. Before applying, read the information (available in Polish only) on the websites devoted to this programme: MEiN website and webpage of SDW doctoral school.
Please not that doctoral schools may admit persons holding the title of a Master of Science, Master of Science in Engineering or an equivalent, or a diploma entitling to apply for a doctoral degree. If you are a graduate of a master degree program (master level of studies) and have a master's degree, you can participate in the admissions to our school. If you are finishing your master's degree (you are in the last semester), but have not yet defended your thesis, you can also apply. However, you will have to defend your thesis by the end of September at the latest.
Both Doctoral Schools are
- free of charge and interdisciplinary,
- provides a scholarship, and provides a creative, interdisciplinary approach to research.
Research within the doctoral thesis may be conducted in the following disciplines:
- Chemical Sciences,
- Physical Sciences,
- Mathematics,
- Civil Engineering, Geodesy and Transport,
- Architecture and Urban Planning,
- Environmental Engineering, Mining and Energy,
- Biomedical Engineering,
- Chemical Engineering,
- Materials Engineering,
- Mechanical Engineering,
- Automation, Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Space Technologies,
- Technical Informatics and Telecommunications,
- Economics and Finance,
- Management and Quality.