"Entrepreneurship" definition depends on the field of study in which we are trying to characterize it... and there are as many entrepreneurship theories as there are also theorists. Each has its own definition and theory. Hence, we invite all students and graduates of Gdańsk Tech for practical meetings with entrepreneurship, including workshops and thematic training and individual consultations in the field:

Starting a business;

  • forms of taxation;
  • writing a business plan;
  • obtaining external funding for your business;
  • opportunities to obtain non-repayable grants for opening a business;
  • possibilities of obtaining low-interest subsidized loans for people starting their business;
  • national support in the area of business for persons with disabilities from PFRON funds (The State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled People).

If you are already an entrepreneur and need support, we meet with you to talk about:

  • co-financing of workplaces;
  • possibilities of co-financing training from the National Training Fund for Entrepreneurs;
  • opportunities to raise capital (investment and working capital);
  • possibilities of developing your business through the purchase of machinery and equipment with co-financing. 

If you have other questions in the area of business, we invite you to a meeting with our advisor.

Remember: "The idea is that it is the business, not you personally, that should work and bring value". T. Harv Eker