European forum and oBsErvatory for OPEN science in transport
BE OPEN is a 30-month project funded under the EU's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. The main aim of the project was to promote open science and support regulations and standards for Open Science in transport research. Open access to publications was ensured thanks to the European Open Science Cloud system solutions, which were a key factor in the sharing and re-use of research data by scientists conducting research in the field of transport.
Gdańsk University of Technology appeared in the BE OPEN project as a Third Party in cooperation with WEGEMT - A European Association of Universities in Marine Technology. Collecting the so-called Key Actors, identifying the needs and objections of stakeholders as well as preparing guidelines and a roadmap for the promotion of Open Science in transport research were among its main tasks. The project manager at the university was the Director of the Library of Gdańsk University of Technology, PhD Anna Wałek.
TOPOS (the Transport fOrum / Observatory for Promoting Open Science)
TOPOS is one of the most important effects of the BE OPEN project. It is a repository designed to collect all open resources on transport-related research. The main goal of its creation is to support international projects and enable the development of the best methods and solutions in this area of science. It should also be added that the repository was designed in accordance with the guidelines for open resources developed under OpenAIRE and EOSC (Open Science Monitor), but also in accordance with the standards related to transport data (TRIMIS).