Free training for young Gdańsk Tech staff:
- Advanced Academic English
- Elements of copyright
- The art of self-presentation
- Use of Mendeley's bibliography manager
- Presentations and public speeches in English
- Innovative methods of conducting classes
- Creating educational resources on the eLearning platform
- Search, processing and analysis of scientific information in specialized databases
These are just some of the trainings that were carried out as part of the project "Increasing the teaching competences of academic teachers at Gdańsk University of Technology", which was launched in March 2018 as part of the POWER Program. The value of the Project was PLN 145,799.87, while the co-financing of the Project from 4E was PLN 141,425.87.
The project was implemented under Action 3.4 Management in higher education institutions under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program 2014–2020, thanks to the cooperation of the Gdańsk Tech Library, IT Services Center, Mathematics and Distance Learning Center and the Foreign Languages Center. As part of the project, seventeen free training courses were held for young teaching or teaching and research staff, aimed at increasing information, IT, language and so-called soft-skills.
Some of the training sessions took place in several editions so that it could appeal to the largest possible group of participants. The skills and competences acquired thanks to the training were reflected in the practice of teaching classes by the staff of Gdańsk University of Technology, which primarily contributed to the improvement of the quality of education.
The project was implemented from March 2018 to October 2019. The participants of the training were people employed at Gdańsk Tech who, on the day of commencement of participation in the project, were under 35 years of age and at the same time had a doctoral degree or were undergoing third-cycle studies.
Project manager
Anna Wałek, PhD
e-mail: anna.walek@pg.edu.pl
Content coordinator
Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska
e-mail: magdalena.szuflita@pg.edu.pl
Anna Dąbrowska, PhD
e-mail: anna.zygma@pg.edu.pl
Financial settlement specialist
Bożena Szuszkowska
e-mail: bozena.szuszkowska@pg.edu.pl