The program is implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science. The idea of the program is to support entities of the higher education and science system and other organizational units acting for the promotion of science in the implementation of projects aimed at popularizing science or promoting academic sports and projects related to the maintenance of library resources of significant importance to science or its heritage.
The program consists of the following modules:
1. "Popularization of science and promotion of sport" - under which we support the implementation of projects consisting in:
- popularization of scientific achievements, the work of scientists, research and development works and the promotion of science
- organization of projects showing the usefulness of scientific knowledge in an accessible way
- organization of undertakings aimed at popularizing the traditions of the academic community
- organization of events promoting and supporting academic sport
2. "Support for scientific libraries" - under which we support the implementation of projects consisting in the maintenance of library resources of significant national importance for science or its heritage, their development and sharing in electronic form.
More about the program
The Library of Gdańsk University of Technology implements projects under the module "Support for scientific libraries":
- Project title: "Science by Euler, Bernoulli and Hell - conservation and digitization of selected collections of the Gdańsk Tech Library"
- Source of financing: Ministry of Education and Science
- Program: The Social Responsibility of Science Program
- Module: Support for scientific libraries
- Date of application: 2022
- Date of the decision on co-financing and signing the contract: 2022
- Implementation period: December 2022 - November 2024
- Project value: PLN 174 856,20
- Co-financing amount: PLN 156 851,20
As part of the project, some of the valuable and unique collections of the Gdańsk Tech Library will be fully preserved and digitized and will be made available in the Pomeranian Digital Library.
The project covered such works as:
- "Dioptricae", Ps. 1-3, (1769-1771) - a 3-volume work by Leonhard Euler, the eminent 18th century Swiss mathematician
- "Beytrage zum Gebrauche der Mathematik und deren Anwendung, Teil 2, Abschn. 1, 2.", (1770) Johanna Heinrich Lamberta - physicist, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher
- work of Maximilianusa Hella, "Ephemerides astronomicae anni 1774 ad meridianum vindobonensem [...]" (1773) - being the greatest scientific achievement of this Slovak astronomer and mathematician
- "Observationes astronomicae factae Dantisci, ab anno 1774 ad annum 1784 [...]" (1775) - by Johanna III Bernoulliego, in which he documents the scientific life of Gdańsk and the Gdańsk Nature Society
- the detailed list of literature on astronomy contained in the work of Jeana-Charlesa Houzeaua and Alberta Benoît Marie Lancastera "Bibliographie generale de l'astronomie: ou cataloque [...]", T. 2 (1880)
- 5th volume of the work "Architecton[ischen] Wercke[n] bestehend in allerhand Grund-Haupt-Rissen u. Profilen unterschiedener gebaude" (ca. 1729) by Johanna Rudolpha Fascha - this Saxon engineer, captain and architect has created a unique resource for conservationists and enthusiasts of the history of architectural thought
The project will also enable the purchase of new storage space, which will allow the Pomeranian Digital Library to implement solutions to improve the sharing of collections while maintaining high image quality.
- Project title: "Conservation, digitization and making available of 16 vol. of historical collections from the collection of the Gdańsk Tech Library"
- Source of financing: Ministry of Education and Science
- Program: The Social Responsibility of Science Program
- Module: Support for scientific libraries
- Date of application: 2021
- Date of the decision on co-financing and signing the contract: 2021, 2022
- Implementation period: December 2021 - October 2023
- Project value: PLN 126 472
- Co-financing amount: PLN 116 239,20
As part of the project, some of the valuable and unique collections of the Gdańsk Tech Library will be fully preserved and digitized and will be made available in the Pomeranian Digital Library.
The project covered such works as:
- Dissertation sur la circulation de la seve dans les plantes (ca. 1733) - Nicolas Sarrabat
- Institutiones geographiae physicae (1777) - Columban Roesser
- Ueber Newton's Farbentheorie (1813) - Christoph Heinrich Pfaff - as a doctor, Pfaff contributed to the smallpox vaccination and the reorganization of the pharmacy system in Germany
- The next 7 volumes from the first world edition of all the works of Voltaire in 1784
- Der Anfangs-Grunde aller Mathematischen Wissenschaften (ca. 1773) - Christian vin Wolff
- The work of Johann Bernoulli Reisen durch Brandenburg, Pommern, Preussen, Curland, Russland und Pohlen, in den Jahren 1777 und 1778 (1779) describing a journey through Pomerania, East Prussia, Courland and Russia
- Project title: "Conservation, digitization and making available of 15 vol. of historical collections from the collection of the Gdańsk Tech Library"
- Source of financing: Ministry of Education and Science
- Program: The Social Responsibility of Science Program
- Module: Support for scientific libraries
- Date of application: 2019
- Date of the decision on co-financing and signing the contract: 2020
- Implementation period: June 2020 - December 2021
- Project value: PLN 125 000
- Co-financing amount: PLN 112 000
As part of the project, some of the valuable and unique collections of the Gdańsk Tech Library will be fully preserved and digitized and will be made available in the Pomeranian Digital Library.
The project covered such works as:
- "The elements of algebra from 1740" - by the famous English mathematician Nicholas Saunderson
- "Jacobi Bernoulli, Basileensis, Opera from 1744" - a collection of over 100 scientific works by Jakob Bernoulli, Swiss mathematician and physicist, founder of the calculus of probability and the law of large numbers
- "Various thoughts about the method of establishing gardens" from 1805 by Izabela Czartoryska
- Selected works from the unique first edition of all Voltaire's works from 1784, the almost complete collection of which is preserved in the Gdańsk Tech Library