Be Open – Be Scientist! The global transformation of science. Policy Perspective | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Be Open – Be Scientist! The global transformation of science. Policy Perspective

15 July 2022 14:00 - 15:15

The goal of the panel titled “Be Open – Be Scientist! The global transformation of science” is to conduct a multilevel assessment of the current situation of Open Science policy and practice in Europe considering the complexity of its taxonomy. During the first part of the session, policymakers will introduce their perspective on current structural factors supporting the implementation of OS policy, but also barriers that inhibit this process at the EU, state, and university levels. Following, the complexity of transformation in questions the multilevel and multisectoral stakeholders approach will be presented.

In the second part of the session, the Open Science practitioners will take the lead in the discussion to present their conditions for the much-required transformation of research communities into communities of scientific sharing culture. This idea entails a structural and individual shift in the way scientists perceive and conduct their research activities and academic collaboration. This part of the panel will be hosted by the OS coordinators, data stewards, data librarians, representatives of civic organisations, and researchers themselves.
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