Establish cooperation with a foreign university - call for applications | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-01-18

Establish cooperation with a foreign university - call for applications

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International Relations Office encourages faculties and units of Gdańsk Tech to submit applications for cooperation with foreign universities from countries not associated with the Erasmus + program.

After a one-year break, the European Commission re-launched a competition for Student and Staff Mobility of Higher Education Institutions supported by external policy funds. Projects implemented under the program may concern mobility with third countries not associated with the Erasmus + program (excluding Andorra, Monaco, the Vatican City, San Marino, Switzerland, the Faroe Islands, and the United Kingdom).

Each university may apply for only one project, therefore International Relations Office will submit an application on behalf of the entire Gdańsk University of Technology.

How to apply for the program?

Until January 31, Gdańsk Tech departments and units have time to complete and send to DMWA cooperation forms. The forms should contain detailed and precise information about the partner universities and the planned cooperation (the principle applies: one form - one partner university; if you are interested in cooperation with more than one partner university, fill in separate forms for each of the partner universities).

- In order for us to have a chance to receive funding, we must describe the cooperation with all partners in detail, therefore we will only be able to add partners to the application for whom complete and detailed forms will be prepared - says Maria Doerffer from IRO.

International Relations Office encourages to provide information about the recruitment to the competition to people at faculties and units of Gdańsk Tech, interested in cooperation with third countries.

If you have any questions, please contact Maria Doerffer: