Update of mobility rules for staff in the Erasmus+ program | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-06-20

Update of mobility rules for staff in the Erasmus+ program

passport and luggagge
We encourage teaching and support staff to read about the rules of mobilities under the Erasmus+ program updated with information on the maximum number of mobilities for training.

Pursuant to the "Rules for the allocation of funding for mobility projects in the higher education sector in the Erasmus+ Program for the 2022 call for proposals” when organizing staff mobility, the university is bound by the following guidelines:

- giving preference to staff leaving for the first time;
- giving preference to teaching and support staff with shorter work experience;
- giving preference to teaching and support staff bound by an employment contract with the university;
- preferring staff trips to improve didactic or digital competencies.

In order to enable mobility for people who have not previously benefited from the Erasmus+ program in the first place, there are restrictions on the number of trips in the current agreement. An employee may go on training financed by the Erasmus+ program up to two times a year.

More information about Erasmus+ mobility rules can be found here: for the teaching staff and for the support staff. In case of any questions please contact Małgorzata Świrydo from the International Relations Office at email address malswiry@pg.edu.pl