Ukraine Day at the Warsaw University of Technology (June 6) | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-05-27

Ukraine Day at the Warsaw University of Technology (June 6)

Ukraine Day
We would like to kindly invite employees, postgraduates and students to participate online in the Ukraine Day, which will be held on Thursday, June 6, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The event is organized by Warsaw University of Technology. Pre-registration is required. 

*registration means online participation

The Ukraine Day will be held as part of the ENHANCE Task Force Ukraine, one of the initiatives of the ENHANCE Project consortium of European universities, of which Gdańsk University of Technology is a member. The event is organized by Warsaw University of Technology in collaboration with Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain). Technical universities from Kiev and Lviv will also support us for this event.

The Ukraine Day will be held in a hybrid format—at Warsaw University of Technology, Universitat Politècnica de València, and online. The language used during the event is English. We'd love for employees, doctoral students, and students from Gdańsk University of Technology to join us online for this event.


9.00– 9.30 – Official Opening (with the participation of university authorities)
9.30–10.00 –  Concert of the Werchowyna band
10.00–10.15 – Quiz: What do you know about Ukraine?
10.20–10.40 – Short film about Ukraine (with interactive features)
10.40–11.10 – Modern Ukraine seen by young people – insight from students
11.10–11.25 –  Studies in Ukraine from the perspective of students and academic lecturers – Technical universities from Kiev and Lviv
11.25–11.45 – Coffee Break
11.45–12.15 – Workshops – Culture and Customs
12.20–12.50 – Workshops – People, Prosperity and Peace – Rebuilding Ukraine after the war – students’ perspective
12.50–1.20 – Workshops – Music, Traditions, Food, Ukrainian Language
1.20–1.45 – Trivia Quiz about Ukraine (with prizes!)
1.45–2.00 – Closing of the Event
2.00 – What Ukraine Tastes Like – Ukrainian Food Tasting

The ENHANCE Task Force Ukraine is implementing activities to support the Ukrainian community, including employees and students of Kyiv and Lviv Technical Universities. Warsaw University of Technology is the lead institution for this particular project. Katarzyna Zambrzycka-Papuda, PhD, from the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences at Warsaw University of Technology, the leader of the ENHANCE Task Force Ukraine, and Dorota Chrominska, plenipotentiary of the Foreign Language Department at Warsaw University of Technology and coordinator of language tandems within ENHANCE, are the coordinators of the Ukraine Day this June.

To learn more about the event, feel free to visit Warsaw Technical University website:

The participation of employees, doctoral students and students of Gdańsk University of Technology in this event is made possible by the fact that our university is a member of the ENHANCE Alliance. If you wish to learn more, we encourage you to visit the website or write to us at