Changes in the study program

After returning from abroad, you must account for the completed study program. Therefore, the subjects completed at a foreign university must agree with those included in the "Learning Agreement".

However, you can make changes to the study program if, after going abroad and starting your studies, it turns out that:
1. the chosen course is no longer taught for various reasons
2. the selected items collide with each other temporarily
3. the chosen subject was to be taught in a given language but is in another

How to change the study program then?
1. consult a change in the study program with your faculty coordinator
2. then, on the website, make changes to the Learning Agreement
3.Send an email to IRO (at and to your faculty coordinator (contact list) with the information that you have made changes to the Learning Agreement (you do not need to send any confirmation attachments)
4. The Learning Agreement must be accepted in the online system by the Gdańsk Tech and the host university (you can check the status of your application on an ongoing basis in the system)


Extension of stay

You can apply for permission to extend the mobility, provided that:
1. you have not used your mobility capital (for each degree you have 12 months to use for studies and internships)
2. the application must be submitted no later than one month before the end of the original duration of the mobility, which is stated in the contract

What to do to extend your stay abroad?
1. consult the extension of stay with your faculty coordinator
a) submit an application for extension of stay to the dean of your faculty
b) make changes to the Learning Agreement at
3.Send an email to DMWA (at with:
a) a scan of the application for extension of stay signed by the dean of your faculty
b) information that you have made changes to the Learning Agreement
c) confirmation of insurance for an additional period
4. change the end dates of the trip in the Erasmus+ OLS language support system
5. change the dates of your stay in the MFA Odysseus system

After completing the above-mentioned points, you will receive an annex to the contract. The annex should be signed and sent (by traditional mail - not by e-mail) to IRO. Depending on the university's capabilities, extending the stay abroad may (does not have to) mean an increased scholarship.


Shortening the stay

If you intend to shorten your stay by a few days / weeks / months / semester, be sure to contact Ms Justyna Ksionek from IRO by e-mail / phone to determine the conditions and formalities. If the shortening of your stay will result in failure to complete the course and / or failure to meet the assumptions set out in the "Learning Agreement", you should also contact the Erasmus+ faculty coordinator.

It is possible to shorten the stay while maintaining the minimum length of stay during studies, which is 90 days. Shortening the trip to less than 90 days means that you will have to fully refund the scholarship you received. This situation does not apply to the existence of the so-called force majeure.

The scholarship is calculated on a daily basis. Shortening your stay abroad means a smaller scholarship.