Step 1

Your university has to send to our university (by e-mail, fax or a letter) your nomination to participate in the Erasmus+ program. 

Step 2

Once we receive the nomination we will send you an e-mail with an information package on how to apply and other useful information. 

Step 3


Register via Moja PG - our university's internal platform. 

Useful tips before you start to register at our website:
- once you start the registration process you may save and edit your application many times
- please do not use diacritical signs
- upload max. 1 MB for photo (jpg etc. files) and 2 MB for zip/rar files
- upload photos only in .jpg, .png, .bmp format
- upload documents only in .pdf or .jpg format
- once your application is ready you should click on "send". Otherwise, we will not be able to proceed with your application. Please note that after sending your application you will not be able to edit the documents


During your registration procedure you will be asked to upload the following documents:
1. biometric photo (which will be printed on your student ID at Gdańsk Tech)
2. scan of Transcript of Records, which proves your marks and grades collected so far at your home university, indicating your name and surname
3. proper scan of your ID (both the back and front side of the card). In case you are not an EU citizen, please upload the scan of the main page of your passport (preferably) 
4. scan of your language certificate/document confirming, that your knowledge of either English or Polish is at least at B1 level; it may be either one of the internationally renowned certificates, such as IELTS, TOEFL, FCE, CAE, etc. or a document issued by your university's language centre

Choosing the list of subjects

During registration, you will have to choose the list of subjects you would like to study at Gdańsk Tech. When choosing the list of subjects you should contact the faculty coordinators of your home university, the faculty coordinator of Gdańsk Tech (check the contact list). Visiting the following website with information about ECTS Information Catalog might be also helpful. 

Meanings of the status of your application:
1. new: the application was created but it has not yet been sent
2. sent: your application was sent to the International Relations Office (IRO); the formal aspects are checked
3. to improve: the application was not accepted by IRO, it is resent and you need to add/change some of your data
4. accepted by IRO: the formal aspect of your application is approved; it is sent to the relevant faculty where the Learning Agreement and Transcript of Records are checked
5. accepted by Faculty Coordinator: The Learning Agreement and Transcript of Records are already checked and approved by the faculty. The application is sent again to IRO
6. rejected by Faculty Coordinator: Your application is not accepted by the faculty. You should contact the relevant faculty coordinator of Gdańsk Tech (please note that it happens very rarely)
7. deleted by IRO: in case you resign from the mobility
8. confirmed: it is the final acceptance - please go to step 4 
9. added to the student list: you are already a student of Gdańsk Tech - this status may appear only when we receive the documents written in step 4 

Step 4

When the status of your application will be changed into “CONFIRMED” (which may take a few weeks or months), you need to start to collect the signatures for your Learning Agreement. There are two ways to do that: 

no. 1: if your university uses the Online Learning Agreement platform (OLA platform) you can create your Learning Agreement (LA) via the following website: You will be able to register with the login and password, that you use at your university.

no. 2: if your university does not use the Online Learning Agreement platform (OLA platform), then you need to print your Learning Agreement (LA) using your application form on Moja PG platform. You and your university’s authorities need to sign the Learning Agreement and send it to your faculty coordinator at Gdańsk Tech (check the contact list). The scan of your LA can be sent via e-mail.

Address of our office:
International Relations Office
Gdansk University of Technology
ul. Narutowicza 11/12
80-233 Gdańsk

Step 5

You may prepare for the journey and arrival to Gdańsk!