CESAER (Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research) is a European organization associating of leading technical universities. It was established in 1990. Currently, 58 European universities from 28 countries belong to it. CESAER ensures a high level of research and education as well as the development of cooperation between universities and industry. CESAER members are committed to coherent actions for the broadly understood development of engineering education, corresponding to the needs of the global market.

A member of the Board of Directors of CESAER for the years 2023-2025 is PhD Eng. Justyna Szostak from the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics of Gdańsk Tech.

office: Belgium
contact: info@cesaer.org
website: www.cesaer.org


Gdańsk Tech - since 2015  
the full list of CESAER members is available HERE