Funding Institution: National Agency for Academic Exchange
Amount of funding: 441,645.00 PLN
Start date: September 1, 2024
End date: August 31, 2026

Project Title: Internationalization of Gdańsk University of Technology: Development of WELCOME SERVICES / Promotion of WELCOME CULTURE

Project Objective

The overall aim of the project is to strengthen the capacity of Gdańsk University of Technology in hosting and supporting international staff, guests, PhD students, and students. The project outlines two specific objectives:

  1. Development of Welcome Services: Enhancing the onboarding process for international staff, including young researchers, PhD students, and students by professionalizing the services of the Welcome Office, organizing study visits and exchanging best practices, conducting training on the employment/hosting of foreigners, and producing informational and promotional materials.
  2. Promotion of Welcome Culture: Increasing the competence and awareness of staff, PhD students, and students in the area of interculturalism through the implementation of an educational program, conducting an information campaign, and opening a mini-library with literature on interculturalism.

Planned Activities

The project will include the following activities:

  • Two editions of an educational program for staff, including:
    • 2 training sessions on etiquette in an intercultural environment,
    • 2 training sessions on inclusive communication,
    • 2 film screenings with expert talks,
    • 2 meetings with a linguist,
    • 6 educational sessions conducted by local cultural institutions/NGOs.
  • 200 hours of legal consultations covering residency legalization, labor law, tax law, etc., tailored to the needs of foreigners.
  • 3 training sessions on the formal and legal administration of foreigners.
  • 1 educational session on Gdańsk’s tourism offerings.
  • 8 national and international study visits to universities, along with concluding workshops.
  • 10 informational videos and 10 brochures for international students, PhD students, and staff, as well as 1 online guide for international PhD students.

The project will involve over 1,000 staff, PhD students, and students from Gdańsk University of Technology.