The Oxygenium Supporting Open Access Publications Program is a part of the implementation of IDUB project tasks in the scope of increasing the quality level of scientific activity at university within the action I.4 (Activities for increasing the number of publications in prestigious journals and publishing houses). Funds in the program are intended to finance fees for the publication of articles in Open Access format in journals and publishers (including the so-called Data Journal for Open Research Data).

Conditions for participation in the programme

The funds within the program are intended for financing of additional charges for the publication of articles in journals with min. 140 points from the current MNiSW list, in publishers offering the possibility of publishing in the Open Access formula, both in hybrid journals and those using the Gold Open Access formula. Compared to previous years, in 2024 an additional requirement has been added: the journal must be indexed in the first or second quartile (Q1, Q2) of one of the abstract and citation databases - Scopus or Web of Science.

In 2024, all Gdańsk Tech employees whose output will be counted in the evaluation of the quality of scientific activity for 2022-2025 can apply for obtaining funding under the Program.

Support under the Oxygenium Program does not apply to the publication of articles whose publication in the Open Access formula can be fully funded by national and consortium programs listed on the Gdańsk Tech Library website or from the indirect costs of an NCN grant. Funding does not apply also to articles in journals published by publishers that use the Open Access business model: