2025 - the programme under the consortium agreement will resume once the Ministry of Science and Higher Education has granted funding for 2025 and a new contract with the publisher has been signed.
Funding Pool:
Funds for publishing are limited (currently deposit funds are available).
Journals included in the programme:
Taylor & Francis Open Select (hybrid journals) and Taylor & Francis Open (Gold Open Access journals).
Search for covered journals with information on APC costs.
Types of articles:
Article Commentary, Brief Report, Case Report, Data Note, Discussion, Dissertation, Essay, Legal Case, Method, Note, Pictorial Work, Rapid Communication, Registered Report, Reply, Report, Research Article, Research Letter, Review Article, Target Article.
Authors eligible for the programme:
Corresponding author affiliated with the Gdańsk University of Technology.
Articles eligible for the programme:
Deposit funds: articles in hybrid journals (Open Select) and Gold Open Access (Open) with at least 140 points from the current ministerial list are exempt from fee; in case of articles from journals with less points (below 140), a specific percentage discount on APC deducted from the list price is available (Open Select journals - 25% discount; Open journals - 15% discount).
CC BY (recommended, mandatory for NSC, EU projects), CC BY-NC, CC BY-NC-ND
Additional fees:
Additional charges for colour pages in selected Open Select journals.
It is required to provide an e-mail address in the institution's domain (@pg.edu.pl).
Verification of an article submitted to the programme by a local administrator.