The National Science Center wants to draw the attention of young scientists and doctoral students to the phenomenon of predatory magazines. The following was adopted as the definition of a predatory journal:

"a journal in which published scientific works are not subject to expert evaluation or it is made based on very low standards. These magazines are publishing houses publishing in the so-called open access, they often offer their services at exorbitant prices, with a short publication process."

The National Science Center does not support this type of practices and warns that in situations where it is definitely possible to establish that an article financed by the National Science Center has been published in a journal that does not comply with the standards of expert evaluation, it will require the project manager to remove the project number from the publication and, consequently, exclude it from the report and will call for reimbursement of costs incurred to publish such work.

Decisions in doubtful cases will be made individually by the Expert Team assessing project reports. Experts will be appointed by the Council for a year to evaluate reports under the so-called permanent teams. The composition of the teams will not be public, only the names of the chairmen of these teams will be made public.