Up to 200 000 for financial support of scientific teams submitting original research ideas in the field of basic or application research with implementation potential regarding combating the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus epidemic. The COMBATING CORONAVIRUS program is a new initiative implemented as part of the ‘Initiative of Excellence - Research University’ program. Its purpose is to broaden knowledge on understanding the mechanism, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the spread of the disease, as well as the use of IT tools in this research area.
The budget of the competition is: PLN 600 000, and the maximum research funding may amount to PLN 200 000. The tests can be scheduled for a period not longer than 12 months. As part of the competition, it is possible to receive funds for remuneration for the research team and to cover other costs related to expenses of planned research, as well as costs related to filing a patent application. Preparatory activities, such as modernization or retrofitting of laboratories that will allow for applying for external funds for planned research or application works, may be also supported. In the competition, it is possible to submit a project that will be implemented in cooperation with scientists from the Medical University of Gdańsk.
The call for proposals ended on 22th June 2020.