Semi-summary of IDUB programs under the Center for Future Materials in the Year 2024 | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-08-01

Semi-summary of IDUB programs under the Center for Future Materials in the Year 2024


The Initiative for Excellence in Research Universities (IDUB) program at Gdansk University of Technology is an important pillar supporting the development of scientific research, innovation and education. In 2024, the Center for Materials of the Future within IDUB continued its activities, encouraging academics, postdoctoral fellows and students to apply for research project funding.

Number of Applications

In the calls resolved in 2024, the Center for Materials of the Future awarded 57 projects (some applications were submitted in 2023). The effectiveness of obtaining grants is presented in the chart below. 

Granted Funds

In the first half of 2024, grants totaling PLN 6,217,573.99 were awarded. Through the Platinum Establishing Top-Class Research Teams program, PLN 4,433,340.00 was awarded for "Research of highly correlated materials through local order and disorder."

The largest number of grant applications was submitted to the Technetium Talent Management Grants program, which raised more than half a million zlotys.

Six beneficiaries went on internships abroad as part of mobility programs: Americium and Europium

Activities within the IDUB PG Center for Future Materials in 2024 contributed to the development of scientific research and the strengthening of cooperation between academics with foreign universities and scientific institutions.

Open lectures, seminars and summer schools organized within the center.


  • Lecture entitled "The new role of 3D printing and laser technologies in electroanalysis". Prof. Rodrigo Alejandro Abarza Munoz of the Federal University of Uberlandia
  • Lecture entitled "The Battle at Biological Interfaces: Engineered molecules and materials against antimicrobial resistance". Prof. Thomas Swebocki of the University of Lille.


  • Lecture entitled "From solar energy to molecular energy at Politehnica University in Timisoara". Prof. Nicolina Pop of Politehnica University Timisoara (Romania).
  • Lecture entitled "High-temperature electrochemistry for the synthesis of advanced structural and functional materials." Prof. Carsten Schwandt - Professor Emeritus and former member of the National Chair of Materials Science and Metallurgy (Oman), Department of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge (UK).


  • Advances in Functional Materials hybrid Summer School. to be held July 1-12, 2024 in Gdansk, Poland


  • Training "We have developed a solution and would like to patent it - what next?".


  • Prof. Ming Chen, Technical University of Denmark (Denmark) will give a lecture on "High-temperature solid-oxide electrolyzers for production of green fuels"


  • Lecture entitled "Application of scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) in energy research" Prof. Gunther Wittstock of Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, School of Mathematics and Science, Institute of Chemistry (Oldenburg, Germany)
  • Lecture entitled "Protons in mixed-conductivity perovskites: Why, how many and how fast?" Prof. Rotraut Merkle, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research (Stuttgart, Germany)


  • Lecture titled "Multimodal synchrotron research at microXAS 2.0: Combining multiple chemical and physical imaging techniques to gain comprehensive insights into dynamical systems." Malgorzata Grazyna Makowska PhD of the Paul Scherrer Institut (Switzerland)


  • Lecture entitled "Digital printing of ceramic composite materials for fuel cell applications". Prof. Mohammad Imran Asghar from Aalto University, Tampere University and the Finnish Academy of Sciences (Finland).


  • Lecture entitled "How can we decarbonize the steel industry?". Prof. Pasquale Cavaliere from the University of Salento (Italy)


  • Lecture entitled "Hybrid nanowires - from fundamentals to applications".Prof. Kamila Sadowska from the Maciej Nałęcz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences.


  • Lecture entitled "Characterization of materials using synchrotron X-ray radiation at the European Synchrotron - ESRF".Dr. Maciej Jankowski from The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), Grenoble, France