• 2023-11-06

    Lecture of PhD Eng. Mateusz Cieślik from the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdańsk

    On November 16th, 2023 at 2:15 pm in Auditorium 3/11 (Center of Nanotechnology A, Building 4) will take place the lecture of PhD Eng. Mateusz Cieślik, adjunct at the Faculty of Chemistry University of Gdańsk and the absolvent of Gdańsk Tech. His research contentrates on the innovative materials dedicated to electrochemical applications in 3D and 4D printing. Lectures cycle 'Knowledge...

  • 2023-10-24

    Seminar of the NOBELIUM IDUB recipient dr Jae-Ho Jeon

    On October 27th, 2023 at 1:00 pm in room LM 10 (Building 15) the seminar of NOBELIUM IDUB recipient dr Jae-Ho Jeon, prof. PG will be held. He will give a lecture entitled "Microstructural Control of Functional Ceramics and Its Effects on Dielectric/Piezoelectric Properties". The seminar is organized by the Institute of Energy at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology.

  • 2023-10-12

    The 12th Seminar of Advanced Materials Center

    The twelve seminar of the Advanced Materials Center will be held on October 17th at 1:00 pm in Auditorium 1 of WETI A (Building 41). R.J. Cava, Department of Chemistry and Materials Science Princeton University, Princeton New Jersey, USA will give a lecture entitled "Potential materials for quantum applications". After the seminar pizza will be served.

  • 2023-10-04

    The eleventh seminar Advanced Materials Center

    The eleventh seminar of the Advanced Materials Center will be held on October 6 at 2:00 pm in Auditorium 1L of WETI B (Building 42). Mathias Belz from Lytegate GmbH, Frieberg, Germany will give a lecture entitled "Technology and Methods of Fiber Optic Spectroscopy in Bio-Process and Laboratory Applications" and Lutz Leutelt from Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg, Germany will give...

  • 2023-09-06

    The tenth seminar

    The tenth seminar of the Advanced Materials Center will be held on September 12 at 1:00 pm in Auditorium 2 of WETI A (Building 41). Gurdial Blugan from Laboratory for High Performance Ceramics, Empa, Dübendorf, Switzerland will give a lecture entitled "Ceramics for energy applications (Batteries, Thermal energy storage and fuel cells) and Balanand Santhosh (IDUB Nobellium programme laureate)...

  • 2023-08-31

    The Doctoral Summer School "Advances in Functional Materials"

    The Doctoral Summer School "Advances in Functional Materials" organized by the Advanced Materials Center Gdańsk Tech within the SPINNAKER program has been finished on 25.08.2023.  The school graduated 45 students from 21 countries. CMP would like to thank the attendees for their active participation, the lecturers for their inspiring lectures, the co-chairs Prof. Justyna Łuczak and Prof....

  • 2023-08-25

    A bilateral seminar of young scientists

    A bilateral seminar of young scientists organized by the Advanced Materials Center, Gdańsk University of Technology and the Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems, Wroclaw University of Technology entitled "Microsystems for Electronics / Electronic Materials for Microsystems" will take place on 4.09.2023 from 9.00-16.00 in room 140 of WETI B (building 42). All are invited to attend.

  • 2023-07-24

    9th seminar Advanced Materials Center

    The nineth seminar of the Advanced Materials Center will be held on July 28, 2023, at 12:00 in Auditorium 1 of the old ETI (building 41). Two lectures as part of the seminar: Dr. Asghar Aryanfar (Bogazici University & Caltech) - Engineering electrochemical interfaces: from atomistic to continuum scales and Dr. Ousmane Wane (Centre for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research) -...