Semi-annual summary of IDUB programs under the Center for Digital Technologies in the Year 2024 | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-08-02

Semi-annual summary of IDUB programs under the Center for Digital Technologies in the Year 2024


The Initiative for Excellence in Research Universities (IDUB) program at Gdansk University of Technology is an important pillar supporting the development of research, innovation and education. In 2024, the Center for Digital Technologies within IDUB continued its activities, encouraging researchers, doctoral students and postgraduates to apply for research project funding. 
Number of Applications
In the calls resolved in 2024, the Center for Digital Technologies awarded 30 projects (some applications were submitted in 2023). The effectiveness in obtaining grants is shown in the chart below.

Granted Funds
In the first half of 2024, grants totaling PLN 1,781,517.44 were awarded. 
The most popular and also the most beneficial for research was the Argentum Triggering Research Grants project, in which more than PLN 800,000 was awarded under the Center for Digital Technologies. 
The grants from the Palladium program will purchase, among other things, a test bed for measuring the magnetic signatures of ship models and ship-mounted equipment, and a digital database of road surface textures. Three beneficiaries went on internships abroad as part of mobility programs: Americium and Europium. 
Activities under the IDUB PG Center for Digital Technologies in 2024 have contributed to the development of scientific research and the strengthening of cooperation between academics with foreign universities and scientific institutions. 
We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the offer of ongoing calls and encourage you to apply for the Excellence Initiative Program - Research University.