Career Service of Gdańsk University of Technology supports students and graduates with disabilities to enter the job market. We offer:

  • individual consultations with a career counselor and an entrepreneurship counselor;
  • taking a test examining professional predispositions and behavioral styles -MaxieDISC;
  • participation in various workshops that develop essential competencies on the labor market, including soft skills, developing own brand and entrepreneurial attitudes;
  • a database of job offers, internships, and placements on the Career Center platform;
  • gaining knowledge related to effectiveness on the labor market - the Knowledge Base;
  • participation in job fairs and meetings with employers;
  • access to current competitions, internship programs, and events aimed at students.

Registration for an individual meeting with an advisor is available on the Career Center platform.

If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact with us by phone + 48 58 347 28 84