You are overwhelmed by everyday affairs, and trivial problems take on a disproportionate scale, you experience stress or prolonged states of sadness, you feel a sense of emptiness, do you experience aggression, suicidal thoughts?

If you have answered YES at least once, it is worth using the Psychological Assistance Center support:

Psychological Assistance Center

Students seeking psychological help are invited to contact us at the following e-mail address: Students can also register with a psychiatrist.

Every student and PhD student at the Gdańsk University of Technology can take advantage of free psychologist and psychotherapist's help. To make an appointment in advance, make an appointment by phone. One visit lasts about 50 minutes. However, the length and type of help depends on the patient's condition.

The consultation point is located on Gdańsk., Mickiewicza 9/11 street. Visits to the Psychological Assistance Center due to the state of epidemic threat in Poland are converted into visits in the form of consultations via Skype / telephone.

24/7 psychological and psychiatric assistance

Department of Psychiatry UCC and Clinical Emergency Department UCC
(By courtesy of MUG)

Acute psychiatric consultation and psychological counselling for the MUG students are available on 24/7 basis and being provided by the Department of Psychiatry UCC. In each case, please, refer to the Clinical Emergency Department UCC where psychiatrist consultation takes place, being followed by psychological management.

Department of Psychiatry UCC
Gdańsk, Dębinki 7 street (Building 25)

Clinical Emergency Department UCC
Gdańsk, Mariana Smoluchowskiego 17 street (The MUG Invasive Medicine Centre, ground floor)