The provisions of the Law on Higher Education and Science guarantee students with special needs a dedicated scholarship. In accordance with the Regulations for benefits for students of Gdańsk University of Technology, its amount depends on the degree of disability and is determined annually by the Rector in consultation with the Students' Self-Government of Gdańsk University of Technology and the Scholarship Committee.

The application must be completed and sent via the MojaPG portal (Scholarships module), and then delivered in paper version to the Committee or via the electronic inbox (ePUAP). The required attachment is the certificate of the degree of disability or the certificate referred to in Art. 5 and Art. 62 of the Act on Rehabilitation. This scholarship may be awarded to foreign students, however, they must present the above-mentioned document issued by a Polish authority.

The call for applications starts at the beginning of October.

The scholarship is awarded for a period of up to 10 months, and in the case of the last year of studies which takes only one semester, up to 5 months. Granting the scholarship does not depend on the student's financial situation.

It is worth remembering that benefits, including a scholarship for people with special needs:

1. are available for 1st and 2nd cycle studies, as well as for uniform master's studies for a period not longer than 6 years;

2. are not payable to a student with the professional title of:

• MSc, MSc Eng. or equivalent,

• BSc, Engineer or equivalent if they take first-cycle studies again.

If the disability arose during studies or after obtaining a professional title, a student may receive a scholarship for people with special needs only in one subsequent field of study, but not longer than for a period of 6 years.

All information on scholarships can be found in the news on the website of the Student Affairs Office and the Scholarship Committee, as well as on the dedicated subpages of these units.

Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Scholarship Committee by e-mail or by phone at + 48 58 348 67 22.