What does the P2ETARDA project include?

  • Additional classes in mathematics and physics (3 lessons per week for 2 months),
  • Supplementary materials for mathematics and physics, available for download after logging into the eNauczanie Gdańsk Tech portal,
  • Individual mental training sessions for approximately 50 students,
  • Mental training workshops for 5 groups of students,
  • Workshops/lectures conducted by experts—alumni of Gdańsk Tech, associated with the Gdańsk Tech Alumni Association.

What will you gain by participating in the project?

  • Strengthening your knowledge and skills in mathematics and physics through experienced experts from Gdańsk Tech,
  • Preparation for exams in mathematics and physics subjects that you will face in your first year of studies,
  • Integration with the academic community,
  • Increased self-confidence,
  • Emotional support,
  • Materials for self-development,
  • Competence development,
  • Improved well-being by reducing symptoms of anxiety and stress.


Registration for additional classes in mathematics: REGISTER HERE 
Registration for additional physics classes: REGISTER HERE 

This public task is co-financed by funds received in 2024 from the Minister of Science as part of the competition "Organizing and Animating Activities for the Academic Community."