Let's talk about sustainable development | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-10-05

Let's talk about sustainable development

sustainable development
In the hall of the Gdańsk Tech Main Building, in front of the Library there was  a Gdansk Tech stand that promoted selected activities implementing the Sustainable Development Goals at our University.

Every student and employee of Gdansk Tech who is close to the issue of climate change and environment pollution can join initiatives including: By Bike to the University campaign, voting in the green civil budget of Gdansk Tech, drinking tap water from available at the University water dispensers, collecting  and spending Good Coins in the PULA application. The initiatives we propose are an element of the implementation of the Gdansk Tech Climate Plan for 2022-2030, which presents the real activities of the University for climate protection in the field of education and scientific research, as well as internal iniciatives that engage the academic community and increase ecological awareness.

There was a basket of juicy apples at the stand from local orchards, which were offered to visitors.