The International Statistical Literacy Project

Międzynarodowy Konkurs Umiejętności Statystycznych

In the winter and summer semester 2020/21 the team of: Norbert Nieżorawski - member of our club, Data Engineering, 2nd year, Gdansk University of Technology, Maciej Winnik - Computer Science and Econometrics, 2nd year, University of Gdansk, Marta Sobolewska - Biotechnology, 2nd year, University of Gdansk, together with our supervisor (Karol Flisikowski) competed in the 5th edition of the International Statistical Skills Competition ISLP winning the 1st place in the undergraduate studies category!!! Congratulations!!!

We are currently completing the team for the 2022/2023 edition (the competition is organized every 2 years).
If you are interested, please contact us: