Administrative service in the Office of the Doctoral School during the summer holiday period | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-07-28

Administrative service in the Office of the Doctoral School during the summer holiday period

photo shows four deck chairs on the beach and seagulls flying above them
Due to the holiday period and related vacations of the Directors and staff of the Doctoral School Office, there may be some delays in administrative services for PhD students, supervisors and candidates.
Please take it into account while requesting certificates/documents or submitting applications in the MojaPG system. The waiting time in these cases may be extended.

We would also like to remind about the holiday break for PhD students between 15.07.2023 and 15.09.2023, contingent on the submission of a holiday break application.

For more information on holiday reporting, click HERE.

Thank you for your understanding.