Date added: 2024-02-07
Doctoral School at the Gdańsk University of Technology has again received funding under the "STER NAWA - internationalisation of Doctoral Schools" programme
The funding of PLN 1,990,680.00 will be used to fulfil tasks in the new project 'PG Doctoral School closer to Europe'(acronym: PG_go_West, contract no. BPI/STE/2023/1/00018/U/00001) in the period from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2025.
Internationalisation goals and strategy
The internationalisation strategy of the Doctoral School is linked to the internationalisation strategy of the entire university for the period 2020 - 2030. Our main objectives are to ensure that we have an adequate number of PhD students to participate in research projects including international ones, and to ensure the best possible level of doctoral training so that the graduates of the Doctoral School are seen as high-class professionals in their disciplines.
The goals are pursued through:
- internationalisation of the PhD students recruitment process;
- financial support for PhD students in the various initiatives and projects for international internships and trips to conferences and summer/winter schools;
- promoting international scientific cooperation (special scholarships for PhD students who participate in international projects).
The activities proposed in the current project are a continuation of already proven solutions or new activities, and are part of the implementation of the PG and Doctoral School's internationalisation strategy.
In particular, this will mean:
- Increasing the promotion of the School in European countries;
- Increasing the recruitment of PhD students;
- Increased scientific cooperation with centres in Europe and increased internships in these countries;
- Increasing exchanges, experiences and good practices with doctoral schools in Europe;
- Acquisition of second co-supervisors from European countries;
- Recruiting visiting professors from European countries.
Several tasks have been planned, in which European directions in both cooperation and internships will be promoted accordingly. The School will also seek to establish institutional contacts with other doctoral schools and doctoral networks in Europe.
The project will be implemented through:
- payment of scholarships for the best Polish and foreign PhD students conducting research in cooperation with foreign institutions in Europe (leading to joint PhDs or publications);
- travel scholarships for PhD students for three-month scientific internships;
- arranging visits of foreign visiting professors to conduct teaching in English for PhD students;
- participation of Doctoral School staff in international training courses;
- organising networking meetings for PhD students;
- development of funding applications for projects and implementation of joint research projects in the area of doctoral education;
- substantive development of a joint curriculum and teaching materials for doctoral training;
- participation of the Doctoral School staff in study tours abroad and promotion meetings related to the Project.
Information about upcoming initiatives will be successively published on our website and on our social media. We warmly encourage everyone to actively participate.
If you have any questions about the 'STER NAWA - internationalisation of doctoral schools' programme, please feel free to contact the STER office:
Monika Grzonkowska
administrative officer
tel.: +48 58 347 24 16
Agnieszka Kliem
financial officer
tel.: +48 58 348 62 33
Christmas wishes