[1st-year PhD Students] Medical examination for PhD students of the Doctoral School | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-03-20

[1st-year PhD Students] Medical examination for PhD students of the Doctoral School


Dear PhD Students,

On the Doctoral School website under: PhD Students -> Formalities -> Downloads -> Templates -> For all doctoral students -> part II, point 5, you will find updated documents related to mandatory periodic medical examinations for PhD students:

  • Notice on medical examinations;
  • Referral for medical examinations (template in Polish to be filled in by the supervisor who should include the other harmful, onerous and dangerous factors in it);
  • List of harmful, onerous and dangerous factors (in Polish only).

Assignment of referrals to PhD students is processed in Moja PG using the e-Documents tab.

The second round of medical examinations is scheduled from the 2nd of April and will cover 1st-year PhD students (Poles and Foreigners). Only these PhD students will receive a referral to Moja PG.

We kindly ask you to fulfill your obligation conscientiously and pay attention to deadlines:

  • until April 10 -> collection of PhD students' signatures on e-Documents with referral, commitment to undergo medical examination and completion of the list of risks by the supervisor; 
  • until April 24 -> the list of risks on the referral should be completed by the supervisor, at the same time the filled-in file in the e-Document should be attached along with the supervisor's signature -> more information for supervisors is available in the tab: PhD Supervisors - Information for PhD Supervisors (in Polish only);
  • until April 30 (possibly immediately after receiving information from the Doctoral School Office) -> pickup of a referral for medical examination by the PhD student.

The e-Document will be added to the PhD student's account on April 2.