[Candidates] Status of applications submitted in standard admission for AY. 2024/2025 | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-05-16

[Candidates] Status of applications submitted in standard admission for AY. 2024/2025


Due to the deadline for submitting applications for the standard admission for AY. 2024/2025, the documents received (sent by applicants) are under evaluation by the school office staff and admissions committees. Unsent and/or unpaid applications have been rejected due to failure to meet the formal criteria.

Please keep an eye on the messages sent in the recruitment system and respond in a timely manner, as some applications may have been / may be sent for improvement. Candidates will be notified of the next steps in due course.

Please do not flood us with questions about the status of your application. Each candidate can check the current status of their application themselves in the recruitment system. An annotation can be found in the box and directly above it.

NOTE: The content in the box may vary depending on the status of your application. This is just a sample screenshot indicating where you can find the current status of your application.