Legal basis:

Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 27 September 2018 on studies (Journal of Laws 2018, item. 1861)

The Decree of the Rector of Gdańsk University of Technology No. 24/2019 of August 9, 2019 on: Electronic Student Identification Card (ELS) and Electronic Doctoral Student Identification Card (ELD) (pdf, 648.56kB)

General information:

Electronic Student ID cards have replaced paper ones. One plastic card plays the role of three documents:

  • a traditional student ID card,
  • a library card and
  • a city card.

The library card will give you access to the libraries of the Tri-City universities, while the city card serves as a ticket for public transport.

The Electronic Student ID is a plastic card with a built-in contactless microchip. It includes an owner’s image and personal data, the document validity date and a visible record of student’s rights to allowances confirmed by a small hologram.

The Electronic Student ID pattern has been defined in the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education on studies.

The student receives one Electronic Student ID Card for the entire duration of study (unless it is necessary to issue a duplicate or a new Electronic Student ID Card with revised personal data).

Pursuant to §11 of the Decree of the Rector of Gdańsk University of Technology No. 24/2019 of 9 August 2019: "Students continuing their studies to do the second-cycle programme, or re-taking studies are entitled to their Electronic Student ID Cards previously issued by Gdańsk University of Technology."

If a student re-takes or continues studies at Gdańsk Tech to obtain a higher degree and his/her personal data have not changed (name, address, etc.), they do not have to incur the cost of printing a new Electronic Student ID Card.

If a student changes the faculty, the faculty office of the new faculty will ask the faculty office of the previous one to provide them with the student’s Electronic ID card. Therefore, students are asked to inform the faculty offices about giving their Electronic Student ID Card back to another department.

The student may use an electronic ID card until the date of graduation, suspension of student rights or deletion from the list of students. Graduates of the first degree may use an electronic card until 31 October in the year of graduation.


The fee for issuing an Electronic Student ID Card is determined by the Rector’s Decree. A student will be charged:

  • 22 PLN for issuing an original document
  • 33 PLN for a duplicate.

An Electronic Student ID card will be transferred to production only after the amount due is booked in the system. It requires 7 days to record the payment at the Gdańsk Tech bank account (in the case of an ordinary transfer).
It is not possible to facilitate the procedure of receiving the Electronic Student ID Card by providing a confirmation of transfer.

If the issue of an Electronic Student ID Card is cancelled, or if the payment is made to an incorrect account, a student must submit

application for a refund of the fee for the electronic student ID card (pdf, 530.60kB)

to the University Centre for Personalization (Building B, room 202).

Submission of applications for an Electronic Student ID Card: Support

In order to submit an application for the issuance of an Electronic Student ID Card,  please log on to (


If you do not have an account in the domain, please activate your account on the following page,  tab "Aktywacja konta" (tab "Activate Account"). After activating your account you will be given a login and password required to log into the portal. The login is also your student e-mail address, which all the messages both from the faculty offices and from the system will be sent to. Your address is: , the access to your e-mail is via the Please remember not to share your login and password with any third party.

After the first login, please check the accuracy of your personal data and then submit an application for the issuance of an Electronic Student ID Card. To submit the application select the ‘Złóż wniosek” tab ("Apply" tab). If your personal data in the system and the photo to be placed on a card are correct, select   "Wydanie ELS” tab (" Electronic Student ID Card Issue" tab). If the personal data are incorrect or if you want to change the image, select "Wydanie ELS ze zmianą danych osobowych” (‘The issue of an Electronic Student ID Card with the change of personal data")

Your image should be in JPG format and should meet the following requirements:

  • dimensions:  2.0 x 2.5 cm with a resolution of 300dpi,
  • maximum file size: 500kB,
  • the picture uploaded to the server must be matched and properly framed, since it will be placed on the Electronic Student ID Card in the same form. The usage of a home scanner, for example, may lead to obtaining a large A4 file where our image scan takes only 5% of the file in the upper left corner. If so, you should use any graphics editor that will allow for cropping the file and saving it in compliance with the Gdańsk Tech requirements.

If an incorrect photograph is submitted to the faculty office, then the document will not be issued by its staff and the student will bear the cost of issuing the card duplicate.

Any notifications about the change of the application status are sent to the student’s e-mail and can be seen on the website - section ‘Wnioski’ ("Applications"). The issuance of an Electronic Student ID Card is connected with the fee payment and the relevant information, including the amount payable or the payment form, is available in the "Płatności" ("Payments") section in the "Należności" ("My invoices") tab. The payments must be credited to an individual and unique bank account number which was generated especially for this purpose. Please download the payment forms from the website. This is to avoid mistakes in transfer details.

In order to receive your Electronic Student ID Card you should go to the faculty office.

In case of questions or problems with accessing the website and its operation, please contact

IT Services Centre ( personally - in ETI B Building, 3rd floor, room NE 342, by phone +48 58 348 63 37, throught the website (recommended): register form portal: go to the form  e-mail:→

 How to encode a season ticket on your Electronic Student ID Card:

ZTM Gdańsk (City Transportation Office in Gdańsk)

ZKM Gdynia


Contact for Electronic Student ID Card:
University Centre for Personalization
Building B, room no. 202,
phone: +48 58 347 22 58, +48 58 347 19 32