The structure of the University System for the Assurance and Improvement of Education Quality:

  1. Vice-Rector for the quality of education,
  2. University Committee for the Assurance of Education Quality,
  3. Committees for the Assurance of Education Quality in the faculties,
  4. Committees for the Assurance of Education Quality in the didactic centres,
  5. Strategic Analysis Center,
  6. Education Office.

The opinion-making and advisory role for the University Committee for Education Quality is carried out by:

  1. Senate Education Committee,
  2. Team for Study Programmes at Gdańsk Tech,
  3. Team for the ECTS Catalogue,
  4. Scientific Field and Discipline Council
  5. HR Center
  6. IT Services Center
  7. Student Government of Gdańsk Tech and University Doctoral Student Council of Gdańsk Tech,
  8. other organisational units, teams and committees indicated by the Vice-rector for organization and development