On early-stage researchers and barriers they encounter at Gdańsk Tech | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-03-15

On early-stage researchers and barriers they encounter at Gdańsk Tech

Rectors and The Team of early-stage researchers

In the February-March Gdańsk Tech Journal No. 1 (262), 2023 (Pismo PG),  a short article presenting the Team for monitoring the conditions for development and research conducted by early-stage researchers was published. Members of the team act on behalf of over 900 early-stage researchers at our university. They are involved in the implementation of tasks of the IDUB project, inter alia, related to managing the activity of early-stage researchers and solving conflicts of interest arising between them and their scientific environment. They develop and propose solutions to monitor and eliminate barriers to the development of academic staff. We invite you to read the article.