HR award for Gdańsk Tech from the European Commission for the next 3 years | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-06-30

HR award for Gdańsk Tech from the European Commission for the next 3 years

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Gdańsk University of Technology received the HR Excellence in Research Award for the next three years. The right to use the HR Logo is granted by the European Commission to institutions that work to increase the attractiveness of working conditions and career development of researchers.

EC assessors appreciated the diligence in adapting HR activities undertaken at Gdańsk Tech to the principles included in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The submitted documents: "comprehensive internal assessment" and the Gdańsk Tech HR4R Strategy 2022-2025 met all the requirements set by the EC regarding the progress and quality of personnel policy, and Gdańsk Tech was recognized as an institution creating a stimulating and favorable environment for scientists.

The evaluation team, chaired by prof. Adriana Burlea-Schiopoiu, pointed out many Gdańsk Tech strengths and good practices implemented for the benefit of scientists and the entire academic community. Among them were elements recommended to other organizations across Europe, such as: strengthened position of Gdańsk Tech and academic staff, internationalization and mobility supported by the IDUB status, variety of training programs and workshops offered at Gdańsk Tech, creation of an HR Center open to the voice of university staff. The formal solutions included: bilingual documentation and information on the Excellence-in-Research website, self-monitoring cards as a mechanism for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the HR4R Strategy. The European Commission also highlighted awareness of the need and support in ensuring work-life balance.

Many people and teams are involved in the development and implementation of the Gdańsk Tech HR4R Strategy. University teams for the implementation and monitoring of the implementation of the principles of the Charter and the Code, as well as the Team monitoring the conditions for development and research conducted by young scientists, work on an ongoing basis. Organizationally, the entire process is supervised by prof. Dariusz Mikielewicz, Vice-Rector for Development and Organization, and the activities are coordinated by the HR-Development Center. Gdańsk Tech employees are informed about the implementation of important HR projects on the Excellence-in-Research website and in messages on the Employee Zone and HR Newsletters, they are invited to open meetings "Let's talk about ... and let's talk with ...", where important issues for the academic community are discussed.