Let's talk about Gdańsk Tech HR4R Strategy - invitation | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-06-19

Let's talk about Gdańsk Tech HR4R Strategy - invitation

Let's talk about..., let's talk with...

2nd meeting in the series "Let's talk about..., let's talk with..."

On June 29th we will talk about Gdańsk Tech HR4R Strategy.

The HR Center invites employees and PhD students of Gdańsk Tech to the meeting "Let's talk about Gdańsk Tech HR4R Strategy", which will take place on June 29th from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm in the conference room of Hydromechanika building. The event will take place as part of the series of meetings "Let's talk about ..., let's talk with ...", which is one of the activities in the HR4R Strategy for 2022-2025 and aims at topics important to the entire community of Gdańsk Tech.

The second meeting is directly connected to the recent visit of the European Commission as part of the assessment of our University in terms of implementation of the HR4R Strategy and authentication for the HR Distinction (the so-called HR Logo), which took place on June 16th this year. We will talk about why we need the HR Logo, how activities so far have been defined, what has been applied in the framework of the existing HR4R Strategies and what tasks are scheduled for upcoming years. We are open to your observations and tips regarding activities that may be carried out by our University.

The meeting will be led by Agnieszka Lendzion, PhD, Eng, Deputy Director of the HR Center and Tomasz Majchrzak, PhD, Eng, the Chairperson of the Team monitoring the conditions for development and research conducted by young researchers.

Due to limited capacity, please book here.