Gdańsk Tech and the Lost Elven Scrolls - a field game | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-11-13

Gdańsk Tech and the Lost Elven Scrolls - a field game

Gdańsk Tech and the Lost Elven Scrolls - a field game

The Gdańsk Tech Library and the Institute of Applied Mathematics (Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics), invite everyone, especially first-year students, to join an exciting field game titled "Gdańsk University of Technology and the Lost Elven Scrolls" ("Politechnika Gdańska i zaginione zwoje elfów"). The game is only in Polish.

Inspired by themes from the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, the game has already started and will run until December 14 this year.

Ready for adventure? Click the button to check out the details on the Polish site.

Politechnika Gdańska i zaginione zwoje elfów