Erasmus programe - informational meeting | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-01-18

Erasmus programe - informational meeting

Na zdjęciu widać dłonie, kartki papieru, kawę i telefon komórkowy
The National Agency of the Erasmus+ Program and the European Solidarity Corps invite to an online information meeting on Cooperation Partnerships for higher education on January 19th and 21st (meeting in Polish). 

The meeting is aimed at academic teachers from all scientific disciplines as well as employees of project departments and foreign cooperation offices.

Registration for the meeting is open until January 16 (Sunday) via the website: All those who register will receive a link to the event after January 16th.

The 19 and 21.01 webinars will be taped and then the tapes will be posted online. If you cannot participate in the webinars by this date, but would like to receive a link to the recordings and presentations, you can also complete the registration form and leave your e-mail address.

More information about the meeting, including a detailed program, can be found at