Women in Tech Summit - get a free ticket! | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-04-11

Women in Tech Summit - get a free ticket!

Poster promoting Women in Tech Summit
Gdańsk University of Technology, as an academic partner of the largest European event for women at TECH & IT, is pleased to invite its students to apply for free tickets to the Women in Tech Summit 2022 (Warsaw, 7-8 June). The number of free tickets is limited.

Women in Tech Summit, organized by the Perspektywy Foundation, is an international meeting of women of science, business and technology who share their stories, scientific achievements and visions of the technological future of the world.

What is on the program for this year's Women in Tech Summit?
4 scenes: Inspiration, Tech, Future Labs, Career
150 lectures by experts and leaders of the technology industry
100 workshops and tech-talks
60 leading partners from the TECH & IT industry
12 themed events
career, mentoring and networking space
Big Fat Party!

Gdańsk Tech students who would like to take part in the event and receive a free ticket as part of the pool awarded to the Gdańsk University of Technology should send information to the address b.kieruzalska@perspektywy.pl by April 15th - they will receive registration codes in the return message. The subject of the e-mail should be: Gdańsk University of Technology - tickets for Women in Tech Summit 2022. The e-mail should contain your name and university.

More information about the event can be found at www.womenintechsummit.pl