ENHANCE invites - winter school on gender and diversity in science | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-01-12

ENHANCE invites - winter school on gender and diversity in science

ENHANCE Alliance of which Gdańsk Tech is a member, invites students to participate in the winter school on “Gender and Diversity in Science, Technology and Society” (held on-site and online in February and April). The deadline for registration is January 27th. 

Winter school of ENHANCE on “Gender and Diversity in Science, Technology and Society” is part of ENHANCE's offer. The instruction language is English. The Winter School activity will be held in hybrid mode - on-site in TU Berlin (Germany) and online. More information about the Winter School can be found HERE

REGISTER HERE  (deadline for registration is January 27th 2023)

For who?

The course is aimed at students (bachelor, master or post doctoral degrees) of natural, planning and technical sciences, mathematics and computer science as well as students who want to acquire competencies in Science and Technology Studies (STS) with a focus on gender and diversity.


  • Between February 13-17: online onboarding of participants (the dates will be communicated)
  • March 6–10: Winter School in Berlin, Germany (arrival on March 5, departure on March 10 late or 11)  
  • March 23–24: online presentations of study projects 
  • April 30: due date for term paper 


In the Winter School, the extent to which gender and diversity are to be understood as context-related results of historical, political, social and cultural processes and can be studied scientifically is elaborated. In the seminar, students acquire the competence to understand and critically and reflexively evaluate the structuring of social inequality and intersectional positioning through science and technology.

How much? 

Winter School is free of charge. The Blended Intensive Programme (Erasmus+) will support students' participation.


Prof. Dr. Petra Lucht
Centrum for Interdisciplinary Gender Research (ZIFG) TU Berlin
E-mail: petra.lucht@tu-berlin.de
Tel.: +49 30-314 26995
Sec.: +49 30-314 72580
More information about he Winter School can be found HERE

The ENHANCE Alliance was founded in November 2019 as an association of ten European Universities of Technology. Its aim is to create a European and interdisciplinary space for the interaction of innovative technological progress, society and our environment. Gdańsk University of Technology is a member of ENHANCE since 2022. More about ENHANCE.