Date added: 2023-01-23
ENHANCE invites - seminar on intercultural communication

In 2022, Gdańsk University of Technology joined ENHANCE - an association of 10 European technical universities. Thanks to the presence in ENHANCE, Gdańsk Tech students have the opportunity to participate in winter and summer schools, seminars and other interesting events on various topics. The next such event will be organized by Technical University in Berlin - also ENHANCE member. This time the main topic of the meeting will be intercultural communication. Don't miss it!
About the seminar
During the seminar on "Intercultural Basic Qualification" students will get a basic understanding of intercultural communication and cooperation in order to find their way on an international professional field. The seminar consists of application exercises and theoretical basics and focuses on practical relevance.
Who is the organizer of the seminar?
The seminar is organized by the Technical University in Berlin, ENHANCE member.
Who can participate in the seminar?
Bachelor and master students from the ENHANCE universities (including Gdańsk Tech)
What will you learn at the seminar?
- Knowledge in cultural and communicational sciences regarding intercultural communication and cooperation.
- Tools and strategies of successful intercultural communication and cooperation.
- Application examples for intercultural communication and cooperation during your studies.
- Raising cultural awareness and developing sensitivity for empathy.
- Strategical knowledge about requirements, stipulations, organization, and execution of stays abroad during your studies.
What is the language of the seminar?
English or German
It will be an online or on-site seminar?
The seminar is offered in the presence or as an online block event (you can choose to join only on-site or only online seminar).
When the seminar will be organized?
Online: 20.02.2023 - 12.03.2023
On-site: 13.03.2023-17.03.2023 (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., compulsory attendance)
Open-book-exam: 28.03.2023, 10:00 a.m. to - 11 a.m.
What are the costs of joining the seminar?
There are no costs for students, the seminar (both online and on-site) is free of charge.
How to register for the seminar?
Registration period: until 19. February 2023.
For more information please check the seminar homepage or contact Technical University in Berlin:
The ENHANCE Alliance was founded in November 2019 as an association of ten European Universities of Technology. Its aim is to create a European and interdisciplinary space for the interaction of innovative technological progress, society and our environment. Gdańsk University of Technology is a member of ENHANCE since 2022. More about ENHANCE.
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