Participation of Hungarian universities in the Erasmus+ | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-01-19

Participation of Hungarian universities in the Erasmus+

Hungary flag
Due to numerous inquiries regarding the participation of universities in Hungary in the Erasmus+ Programme, we publish below the official announcement of the Polish National Agency of the Erasmus+ Program on this matter.

National Agency of the Erasmus+ Program Announcement on Hungary participation in the Erasmus+ Programmme (January 19th 2023):

"Information on the participation of Hungarian universities

Polish universities received information about the exclusion of 21 Hungarian universities from the possibility of applying for new funding under the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Programmes. The statement of the European Commission (EC) on this matter is from December 22nd, 2022 and reached the national agencies on January 12th, 2023. We are asked by Polish universities whether, in connection with the position of the EC, cooperation with the universities listed in the communication should be discontinued. We explain that we understand the information announced by the EC as follows:

  • mobility under agreements concluded with the universities mentioned in the communications before 2023 are implemented as planned;
  • concluding new interinstitutional agreements for the years 2023 and beyond does not immediately involve disbursement of funds. The signing of the type IIA agreement means the possibility of joint activities in the future. Only the implementation of mobility means the commitment of financial resources. Thus, the signing of the new institutional agreement does not contradict the information announced by the European Commission.

Regardless of the above, the final decision on the conclusion of a new interinstitutional agreement in the Erasmus+ Programme always belongs to the university."

Gdańsk Tech International Relations Office is not responsible for the content of the announcement. If you have any questions, please contact the University Coordinator of the Erasmus+ Program Maria Doerffer: