ENHANCE invites - summer school on diversity and gender | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-06-21

ENHANCE invites - summer school on diversity and gender

The Technical University of Berlin invites students (bachelor, master or doctoral degrees) to the "ENHANCE Summer School on Gender and Diversity in Science, Technology and Society" which will take place in September. The deadline for registration is June 26th. The number of places is limited. 

In 2022, Gdańsk University of Technology joined the ENHANCE Alliance - an association of 10 European technical universities. Thanks to the presence at ENHANCE, students and employees of Gdańsk Tech have the opportunity to participate in winter and summer schools, seminars and other interesting events on various topics. The next such event - this time for students and PhD students, will be organized in September 2023. This time Technical University of Berlin - ENHANCE member, invites to summer school on diversity in science, technology and society. 

About the Summer School

This "ENHANCE Summer School on Gender and Diversity in Science, Technology and Society” offers leads to the acquisition of 3, 4 or 6 ECTS. The instruction language will be English. The Summer School activity will be in hybrid mode - on-site at TU Berlin, Germany and online. 

In the Summer School, the extent to which gender and diversity are to be understood as context-related results of historical, political, social and cultural processes and can be studied scientifically is elaborated. In the seminar, students acquire the competence to understand and critically and reflexively evaluate the structuring of social inequality and intersectional positioning through science and technology.

For whom?

The course is aimed at students (Bachelor, Master or doctoral degrees) of natural, planning and technical sciences, mathematics and computer science as well as students who want to acquire competencies in Science and Technology Studies (STS) with a focus on gender and diversity.

How much?

Summer School is free of charge, which means there is no registration/tuition fee. Costs of travel and accommodation can be covered by the Erasmus+ program. Students of Gdańsk University of Technology accepted for the Summer School can get 70 euros scholarship per day (only for the training days in Berlin, without travel days and without online training). Students who choose green transport and/or students with special needs can get an extra scholarship. 


1. between September 4 and 8: 2 dates of 1,5 hours: Online Onboarding of participants;
2. September 25-29 (Stage 1: 3 ECTS): Summer School in Berlin, Germany (Arrival on Sept 24, Departure on Sept 29 late or 30);
3. end of September until Mid of October (Stage 2: 1 ECTS): Online presentations of study projects;
4. end of November (Stage 3: 2 ECTS): Due date for term paper. 

In Total: up to 6 ECTS are obtainable for the completion of all 3 stages.

How to apply?

1. by June, 26th send an email to Justyna Sudakowska from Gdańsk Tech International Relations Office at justyna.sudakowska@pg.edu.pl. Please make sure to include your: name, second name, student ID, name of the faculty, degree of studies and 1-2 sentences in English why you would like to join the Summer School. Applications are processed in the order they are received; Max. 5 students from Gdańsk Tech can be nominated to join the Summer School; 
2. by June, 27th you will receive a confirmation whether you have been accepted to participate in the Summer School; 
3. by June, 28th students accepted for the Summer School will have to register in the TU Berlin system (the link will be sent to the nominated students);
4. apply as soon as possible for the Erasmus+ scholarship (you can find the procedure here). 


In case of questions about the Summer School program, speakers etc. please contact TU Berlin directly at petra.lucht@tu-berlin.de
In case of other questions please contact Gdańsk Tech International Relations Office at justyna.sudakowska@pg.edu.pl

The ENHANCE Alliance was founded in November 2019 as an association of ten European technical universities. Its goal is to create a European and interdisciplinary space for the interaction of innovative technological progress, society and our environment. Gdańsk University of Technology has been a member of ENHANCE since 2022. More about ENHANCE.