Recap on Erasmus Days 2023 | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-12-13

Recap on Erasmus Days 2023

Erasmus Days
From 27 November to 2 December, Gdańsk University of Technology hosted another edition of Erasmus Days, organized by the International Relations Office, faculty coordinators of Erasmus+ and Erasmus Student Network.

Every year, around 25 November, the name day of Erasmus from Rotterdam – the patron of the Erasmus+ program, Gdańsk University of Technology organizes the Erasmus Days. The main aim of the event is to encourage employees, doctoral students, and students to join and benefit from opportunities offered by the program and go abroad for training, lectures, studies and internships.

- The Erasmus+ program is already extremely popular among both employees and students. Several hundred people join it every year. This year, we wanted to encourage people who haven’t experienced Erasmus yet, says Maria Doerffer, University Coordinator of the Erasmus+ program.

Erasmus Days summary

What happened during this year's edition of Erasmus Days?

  • almost 150 members of administrative and technical staff, as well as academic teachers, participated in information meetings. The participants learned about Erasmus+ and the ENHANCE Alliance, and won books in a Christmas lottery;
  • students interested in international studies and internship could discuss the details of the Erasmus+ mobility with IRO and ESN students at the information point located in the Main Building and during the information meetings with the faculty coordinators;
  • celebration of St. Andrew’s Day for the first time in the spirit of Erasmus organized for students and staff who had a chance to foresee their Erasmus trip;
  • eight students competed for the title of GIGACHEF in the culinary contest organized in dormitory No. 3 located on ul. Do Studzienki. the main prize – a restaurant voucher, went to a couple of students, Lawrence from Nigeria and Tymoteusz from Poland.

Remember that all up-to-date information about Erasmus+ mobility can be found on the IRO web page. If you have additional questions, do not hesitate to contact our team via phone or e-mail.

Many thanks to the Logistics Office, the Security Office and the Accommodation Office for helping us organize the Erasmus Days.