EU citizens

A foreigner is considered a citizen of the European Union in the following cases:
- they are a citizen of a European Union Member State,
- they are a citizen of a member state of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) - Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Switzerland.

Staying for up to 90 days: to enter Poland and stay in our country, an EU citizen needs an identity document (identity card/passport).
Staying for more than 90 days: an EU citizen is obliged to submit an application for registering his/her stay to the voivode in charge of the place in Poland in which a given person is staying. You submit the application and receive the certificate free of charge. The stay of an EU citizen is registered forthwith and the certificate confirming that his/her stay has been registered is promptly issued.

The procedure for submitting an application for registration of stay

You should use the online form to make an appointment with the Foreigners Residence Legalization Department (Oddział ds. Legalizacji Pobytu Cudzoziemców) at the Pomeranian Voivodeship Office and personally submit the application for registering your stay. 
Required documents (all documents need to be in Polish - otherwise a document needs to be translated by a sworn translator): 
- a completed application for registration of stay
- a valid travel document or another valid document which confirms identity and citizenship (copy and the original to present for inspection)
- a written statement of the employer or an entity authorized to entrust the performance of work to an EU citizen, confirming that it intends to entrust such work to that citizen, or a work certificate (issued to the employee by the faculty/unit of Gdańsk University of Technology which employs him/her).
Optionally, a person who wants to apply for registering his/her stay in Poland may authorize a selected person to submit the application. The authorization fee is PLN 17 and needs to be paid to the bank account or at the cash desk of the Voivodeship Office. 

Non-EU citizens

Non-EU citizens need to have a visa and a valid passport to enter Poland. If an international employee wants to stay longer in Poland, they need to submit an application for temporary stay to the voivode in charge of the place in which the non-EU citizen is staying, on the date when the visa expires at the latest. If the application iss submitted in due time and has no formal errors, the voivode puts a stamp on the travel document, which confirms the submission of an application for temporary stay. In this case, the foreigner’s stay in Poland is considered to be legal until a final decision is made. 

The procedure for submitting an application for temporary stay

Using the online form you should make an appointment with the Foreigner Affairs Unit at the Pomeranian Voivodeship Office and personally submit the application for registering your temporary stay. 
Required documents (all documents need to be in Polish - otherwise a document needs to be translated by a sworn translator): 
- a completed application for residence permit
- 4 biometric photos
- a copy of your passport: 1 copy of all pages, including blank ones, and 2 additional copies of page with photo and personal data
- insurance
- PESEL number confirmation (optionally)
- a proof of accommodation (issued to the employee by the dormitory of Gdańsk University of Technology/a hotel/the owner of a private apartment) together with a declaration of living cost
- a written statement of the employer or an entity authorized to entrust the performance of work to an non-EU citizen, confirming that it intends to entrust such work to that citizen, or a work certificate (issued to the employee by the faculty/unit of Gdańsk University of Technology which employs him/her)
- a proof of paying the administrative fee (PLN 440) in Polish (it can be paid by bank transfer or at the cash desk of the Voivodeship Office)
The person who wants to apply for temporary residence may authorize a selected person to submit the application. The authorization fee is PLN 17 and needs to be paid to the bank account or at the cash desk of the Voivodeship Office.