What is the Polish Identification Number number (PESEL)?
The PESEL number is an eleven-digit numeric symbol that allows for easy identification of its holder. The PESEL number includes the date of birth, serial number, gender and a control number. Every Polish citizen has it. It is given once in a lifetime.
Why is it worth having a PESEL number?
1. to handle official matters more easily
2. to have easier access to medical services
3. for easier online banking
4. to obtain a Polish phone number more easily
If you are a foreigner who is leaving in Poland for a period longer than 30 days, you can obtain the PESEL number together with registration you temporary address. To do that book an appointment in the City Hall choosing the category “meldunek” (registration) and “zameldowanie cudzoziemca z nadaniem numeru PESEL” (registration of a foreigner together with assigning PESEL number).
More information about registration you will find here.
If you cannot register your residence, and any agency requires a PESEL number from you – submit an application for PESEL number with any municipality/township office. The two Resident Service Teams (Zespół Obsługi Mieszkańców) of the City Hall in Gdańsk (closest to Gdańsk Tech) are:
- Resident Service Team no. 1 at Partyzantów 74 in Gdańsk Wrzeszcz (check the map),
- Resident Service Team no. 3 at Nowe Ogrody 8-12 in Gdańsk Główny (check the map)
Documents you need to have with you on the meeting in a City Hall:
- completed and signed application form for PESEL number
- valid passport or identity card (for inspection)
- the document confirming legal stay in Poland (visa or resident card issued in Poland or another Schengen zone country, stamp in a passport confirming submission of documents for legal stay in Poland) – regarding non-EU citizens.
Obtaining a PESEL number is free of charge. The decision to grant PESEL number is made immediately (if all formal requirements are met).
For more information go to: https://www.gov.pl/web/gov/uzyskaj-numer-pesel--usluga-dla-cudzoziemcow-en